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Main » Articles » ISSUE #7

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

There are a lot of different discoveries but I can say that the discovery of X-ray  was a great discovery of the 19th century. In 1875 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered radiation called x-ray and investigated its properties.There were made ​​some discoveries about the properties of crystals and magnetism. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen was the first recipient of the Nobel Prize in physics, it was awarded to him in 1901 "in recognition of extraordinary service to the important science, expressed in the opening of the remarkable rays", later named after him.

Major discovery in his life - the X-radiation (later called X-ray),   Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen made ​​when he was 50 years old. As the director of the Physics Section of the University of Wurzburg he used to stay up late in the lab and when he went home, X-ray continued to work.

As usual,  once he turned on the current in the cathode tube, he sealed on all sides with black paper. Platinum cyanide crystals of barium lying nearby began to glow with green light. The scientist turned off the current and the glow of crystals ceased. When he re-applied a voltage to the cathode tube the glow in crystals resumed.
In the  result of further research the scientist came to the conclusion that unknown radiation came out of the tube, which he called X-rays.
        At that moment the world got a great discovery. Roentgen's experiments showed that the X-rays are produced in the collision of cathode rays with a barrier inside the cathode tube.
For his research the scientist invented a special tube design, in which anode was flat, that  provided intensification stream X-rays. Through this tube he studied and described the basic properties of an unknown radiation which was called "X".
        X- rays were used to take first pictures. They are widely used nowadays too. Their most important appliance even nowadays is to help doctors to diagnosticate different serious diseases. The discovery of X-rays is the discovery that is worth appreciating. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen certainly took his part in the history of mankind.

Category: ISSUE #7 | Added by: Chuda (13-Dec-2012) | Author: Dima Derevyankin
Views: 1605 | Comments: 1 | Tags: Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, X-ray | Rating: 0.0/0
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