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Main » Articles » ISSUE #7

When we consider a person’s deeds, we either pull the person down, or lift him up to the top.

One of the men, who played a great role in the history of our country, and the whole world, is Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. What would the history of our country have been like, if he hadn’t been born?

Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov is among the most renowned Russian commanders. He  was born in 1847 in a noble family of Senator Illarion Matveevich Kutuzov. In spite of the fact that his first years of education had passed at home, he got good education.

In 1861 he became the aide-de-camp of  the prominent military figure Peter Golstein-Beksky. In 1868 Kutuzov took part in Turkish war which formed his military tactics and style. He was a smart young man of 21 full of energy and with a gift for mimic. Once, when he was in the arrangement of a field marshal Rumyantsev, Kutuzov dared to copy a manner of behavior and a word of the commander-in-chief. The incident draw certain attention and the young officer was sent to the Crimean army.

In 1874, fighting in the Crimea, Kutuzov was severely wounded. A bullet, having passed through a temple, slipped under the right eye. After such serious trauma Kutuzov always wore a bandage, that became an integral part of his portraits. This wound didn’t stop him from taking part in different battles to protect our Motherland, as he was a very brave person and a great patriot.
In 1878 Kutuzov married Ekaterina Ilyinichna Bibikova. They were very happy, and had five children.

In the April of 1811 Kutuzov was appointed to the position of the commander-in-chief, and joined the army in Bucharest. The war against Turkey was on. The parity of forces was not to the benefit of Russia (20 thousand Russian forces against 60 thousand of Turkish soldiers). However, Kutuzov due to his knowledge, talent and extraordinary mind quickly developed the competent military campaign that helped to defeat the enemy completely in November, 1811.

During the war of 1812 , Kutuzov excellently proved his talent of the commander that finally lead to the fast retreat of the French army. He died in 1913.

Russian people must be proud of him, as he was a generous and devoted to his country man. He made a great contribution to the happiness of future generations.

Category: ISSUE #7 | Added by: Chuda (08-Dec-2012) | Author: Alina Tikhomirova
Views: 1296 | Tags: the Crimea, Kutuzov, 1812, Turkish war | Rating: 0.0/0
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