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Main » Articles » ISSUE #1


  Everybody has heard about yoga more than one thousand times. Yes, it’s very fashionable, but I’ve found other reasons to tell you some words about it.

  I started doing yoga 4 years ago and it helped me a lot. It’s not a simple exercise it’s something more. Every day we try to solve lots of problems, we cope with numerous difficulties, all these things break our nervous system. If you feel stressed, it’s difficult to fall asleep, it’s high time to start yoga. Just give it a try and you’ll understand me.

  There are different types of yoga, e.g. just yoga itself or better to say all its asanas, physical yoga that soldiers used to develop their body and to increase manual power and yoga with its philosophy. No matter what you will choose, the main point of this exercise is to calm down and to find the balance inside.

  So yoga consists of asanas, philosophy and breathing. What do I mean by breathing? There is a special branch of yoga where people learn how to breathe correctly. You can skip it if you want, but don’t forget to breathe in and breathe out on each movement. For example, you raise your hands and you breath in then you put your hands down and you breath out.

   At this moment you should be concentrated on your movements and think only about them. 

  Yoga isn’t the time to think about problems. Otherwise you won’t relax.

  There are lots of asanas in yoga  to choose from.

As for me I prefer ones that make me find the balance inside like the pose of tree. My favourite asanas are Virabhadrasana III (Warrior Pose III) and Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose). At the end of your exercise it’s good to do Savasana, or it’s also called Dead Body Pose. It seems the easiest one to some people, but it’s not true. 

  The aim of this pose is the complete relaxation. You should relax each cell of your body and clear your mind.

  Don’t try to be perfect in each asana just enjoy everything you do.

Category: ISSUE #1 | Added by: Guzeliya (16-Nov-2010) | Author: Anastasiya Shelyakina
Views: 933 | Tags: asanas, Yoga, keeping fit, Relaxation | Rating: 3.0/2
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