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Main » Articles » ISSUE #1

On the family way

The Lord said: "It’s not good that the man should be alone; 

I will make him a helper fit for him”.

(Genesis 2:18)



  The legend says there used to be an androgynous creature once divided in two and looking for his separated but inseparable part since then.

  They say that now we call them, these two parts, a Man and a Woman.

  And what if a miracle happens? And a man/woman meets a person that fits him/ her? Does it mean that they, love struck and overwhelmed with happiness of such an unusual meeting, will spend their lives for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till the death do them apart? Lucky they, if so!

  Strange though it may seem, in the time of "demographic pit”, time of false bodies and feelings, time when everything can be simulated, replicated and distributed, people do sacrifice the most – the possibility "to make a couple” and, finally, to restore the harmony.

  Huge computers turned into paper-thin laptops, delis are replaced by "forever young” Big Macs, steam engines made their way for almost sonic trains, and there are no more family dinners but "al desko" lunches with colleagues. Even on Saturdays.

  And which way do we go? Do our feelings become train-fast and laptop-tiny, that is to say, transient and shallow? Or we still can fulfill our potential by making a Man and a Woman, but not a sexless person burden with made appointments and ready-made notions about ideal face and sexual equality?



Category: ISSUE #1 | Added by: Guzeliya (21-Nov-2010) | Author: Guzeliya Ataulova
Views: 1179 | Tags: feelings man woman, Love, relationships, spouse, Family | Rating: 5.0/2
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