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Main » Articles » ISSUE #8 » Adventure stories

«Skyjack» by Tim Vicary
Recently I read an interesting story – «Skyjack» by Tim Vicary. The genre  of the story is the adventure and thriller. The main setting is on the plane.

There are several main characters: the Prime Minister – Helen Sandberg, her husband – Carl Sandberg, his security – Harald.
The main plot is the terrorism and hijackers and the behavior of the government in such situations.

The story is interesting and exciting. The story has a happy end. The protagonist is alive. Also, this is the story about a strong, clever woman – the Prime Minister Helen Sandberg. She is a really talented politician. It is very dangerous to be in the airplane with such violent people. It’s hard to imagine what they could do with you. Your life is nothing for them. This is really terrible. They don’t think about your family, relatives, children. They want to achieve their mad ambition at any price.

Category: Adventure stories | Added by: Chuda (03-Mar-2013) | Author: Nataly Spiridonova
Views: 4126 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 sarun  
I want the theme of the story

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