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Main » Articles » ISSUE #8 » Adventure stories

"Harry Potter" by JK Rowling
The story was written by JK.Rowlling more than 15 years ago, but it is still famous nowadays.  This story connects the two worlds: our (usual) and magic. It is a fairy tail, which is very kind and  funny, thought it tackles serious questions about relationship between people: friendship and loyalty, love and hate, devotion, enmity and discrimination.

The first story tells us about Harry Potter who was a child when a dark wizard Voldemort killed his parents and then tried to kill him. But he could not do it, and more than that, he suddenly lost his power. Nobody could understand why it had happened, but everyone was happy. Harry became famous, because he was the boy who lived.

Ten years later, Harry didn't know that he was famous, and that he had a magic power. Harry Potter was a skinny, spectacled, 11-year-old boy, living with his aunt and uncle, and his cousin, and all of them hated him a lot. It was a big surprise for all members of his family, when he received a letter from Hogwarts, the school of  Witchcraft and Wizardry. Thus, Harry got into the world full witches, wizards, mysterious world of spells and potions, dragons, flying broomsticks and magic wands expect him. He would find his best friends and new adventures! Hogwarts was a friendly  place for Harry, and soon he began to feel it his home.

He made new friends: Ron Wisley and Germione Grenger. Ron was from a poor family with lots of children. But Harry became for this family as a son. Germione is a clever girl from maggl's (not magic) family, she as a Potter didn't know that she was a witch, but she became the first student in the school.

The best friends were so curious so they happened to find out that somebody was going to steal a stone with magic power. So, they decided to stop him...

The author created a wonderful world of magic! This book is for all people, not only children, who love fairy tales, adventures, and stories about friendship!

Category: Adventure stories | Added by: Chuda (13-Mar-2013) | Author: Sasha
Views: 4506 | Comments: 1 | Tags: Harry Potter, JK Rowling | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 antonpischenko55  
Ohh, me and my daughter - we really like to read the book series of Rowling ! The Harry's strories are morality tales that makes my child think. So that the book reading one of the best activities for preschoolers you can complement their by taking something from here: https://wunderkiddy.com/category-parent/by-type - good materials where your son or doughter will have to be diligent and focus more

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