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Main » Articles » ISSUE #8 » Adventure stories

"Golden Calf" by Iliya Ilf and Evgeniy Petrov
In my opinion, it is very difficult to review  such a famous  book as "Golden Calf”. I think it is some kind of classic literature. The genre is satire and adventure, including some historical facts. Everybody knows the main characters as Ostap Bender, millionaire Koreiko. Although we  sometimes use the combination of words Antilopa Gnu far not everyone understands what that means.

I believe everybody knows or has heard about the plot. It`s set in Russia some years later after the Revolution. The
swindler  Bender dreamed of better life in Rio-de-Ganeiro. But the question he is tortured by is how to turn the fate? He needs a lot of money - only this way he can escape. Where can he find it? Unfortunately, Russia is filled with poor citizens. But the protagonist knows many honest ways to gain money.

So, the underground millionaire is found. The blackmailer Bender with his helpers makes a brilliant plan. Finally, it seems that the money is almost in his pocket, but something goes wrong...

Will his dream come true or not? This riddle will be solved in the end.

I suppose this novel is one of the most excellent books which was written in the soviet times. The writers made a creation that will be always of great interest. I recommend reading this amazing novel before seeing the film.

Category: Adventure stories | Added by: Chuda (13-Mar-2013) | Author: Nina
Views: 2953 | Tags: Evgeniy Petrov, Iliya Ilf, Golden Calf | Rating: 5.0/1
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