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Main » Articles » ISSUE #8 » Adventure stories

Foundation by Isaak Azimov


"Foundation” is one of the great novels of science fiction. It is written by Isaak Asimov.

It has five parts. In the first part the author describes the Galactic Empire, which has ruled supreme for twelve thousands years. Hari Seldon, creator of the science of psychohistory, can see the future with his knowledge. Galactic Empire is dying and there will be thirty thousands years of wars, dark and barbarism. To decrease this period to one thousand years, Hari Seldon is going to found a new colony with his colleagues on a remote planet. The mission of this colony is save knowledge and to found a new Galactic Empire after the period of barbarism.

In the next  four parts, the author narrates how this little colony goes through dangerous times, how science helps this colony to survive and conquer neighboring planets.

This novel is a good mix of science, history, psychology, religion, etc. I recommend this novel to everyone who likes science fiction, because this is the classic of genre.
Category: Adventure stories | Added by: gretagolden73 (28-Feb-2013) | Author: Ruslan Iskhakov
Views: 1830 | Tags: foundation, Isaak Azimov, book review | Rating: 0.0/0
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